Oregon Pick 4 - 10 PM Draw Results

Winning Numbers

  • 7060

Prize Breakdown

Match Multiple Plays Payout
All 4 in any order 24 Way $ 250
All 4 in any order 12 Way $ 500
All 4 in any order 6 Way $ 1,000
All 4 in any order 4 Way $ 1,500
All 4 in exact order $ 5,000
First 3 in exact order $ 600
Last 3 in exact order $ 600
The prize payouts are based on a $1.00 bet.

Lottery Information

Guess Range 4/0-9
Offered In Oregon, USA
(Local time)
Jackpot Type CASH

Winning Odds

Match Multiple Plays Winning Odds
All 4 in any order 4 Way 1:2,500
All 4 in any order 6 Way 1:1,667
All 4 in any order 12 Way 1:833
All 4 in any order 24 Way 1:417
All 4 in exact order 1:10,000
First 3 in exact order 1:1,000
Last 3 in exact order 1:1,000
See If You're a Pick 4 -10 PM Winner

See If You're a Pick 4 -10 PM Winner

At TheLotter Oregon, discovering if you're a winner is easy. Simply compare the four numbers on your entry and your chosen bet type to the prize breakdown table above. For example, if you assigned the bet type "First 3 exact order" and the winning numbers were "1 2 3 4", the first three numbers on your entry would have to be "1 2 3 ".

Enjoyed playing in the Pick 4 night draw? Then you'll love trying your luck in our three other Pick Lottery draws: Pick 4 - 1 PM, Pick 4 - 4 PM, and Pick 4 - 7 PM.

Since these drawings are not available Sunday and Thursday on the TheLotter Oregon, the winning numbers for these days will not be shown on the site.

What are the Chances of Winning a Pick 4 Prize Online?

What are the Chances of Winning a Pick 4 Prize Online?

Due to the Pick 4 game structure, your likelihood of winning relies heavily on which bet type you select. Your odds of scoring "Exact order" prizes are lower than the odds of winning an "Any order" prize due to the greater difficulty in matching them. However, the exciting prizes more than make up for the challenging odds! If you want unbeatable odds (think as low as 1 in 417), try your luck with an Any order bet type. While the prizes may be a bit smaller, you're much more likely to win one! Scroll up to see the odds of winning each Pick 4 - 10 PM prize division.

For more information about Oregon Pick 4, visit the official Oregon Lottery website.